Note: These power levels from Dragon Ball all the way to the Freiza Saga are from the DB Daizenshuus and are official and
true. The 21st Tenkaichi Budokai Participants Krillin: 97 Bacteria: 14 Yamcha: 73 Jackie
Chun(Kamesenin): 139 Namu: 87 Lanfan: 14 Guilan: 71 Goku: 124 Tao Pai Pai: 146 Karin: 169 Goku(after
Karin training): 157 Old Son Gohan: 156 The 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai Participants Tenshinhan:
186 Yamcha: 128 Jackie Chun: 139 Krillin: 143 Tsurusennin: 120 Chaosu: 138 Pam Put: 56 Goku:
186 Piccolo Daimao Old: 201 Piccolo Daimao Young: 260 Yajirobe: 181 Tambourine: 173 Cymbal: 173
Goku: 265 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai Participants Tenshinhan: 250 Tao Pai Pai: 189 Goku:
260 Chi-Chi: 73 Krillin: 206 Piccolo Daimao: 260 Yamcha: 167 Shen(Kami-sama): 301 Arrival
of Radditz Farmer: 5 Goku weighted clothing: 330 Goku: 600 Goku Kamehameha: 1,000 Piccolo weighted
clothing: 322 Piccolo: 408 Piccolo Makkankoupousou: 1,330 Piccolo Special Makkankoupousou: 1,440 Chibi
Gohan: 1 Chibi Gohan Angry: 1,137 Radditz: 1,200 Krillin: 206 Kamesennin: 139 Tenshinhan: 250 Yamcha:
177 Chaotzu: 145 Arrival of Vegeta and Nappa Saibamen:1,200 Yamcha:1,480 Krillin:1,083
Tenshinhan:1,386 Chaozu:963 Gohan:981 Gohan Masenko:2,800 Gohan healed:2,500 Piccolo:1,220 Nappa:4,000
Vegeta:18,000 Vegeta Gatlit Gun:35,000 Vegeta Oozaru:180,000 Gohan Oozaru:9,810 Goku:5,000 Goku
charged up:8,000 Goku Kaioken:12,000 Goku double Kaioken:16,000 Goku triple Kaioken:24,000 Goku triple
Kaioken kamehameha:29,000 Goku kaioken x4 kamehameha:32,000 Goku healed:14,608 Freiza Saga
Dodoria:21,000 Zarbon:23,000 Zarbon monster:33,000 Kui:18,000 Vegeta:24,000 Vegeta healed
after Zarbon fight:35,000 Vegeta healed after Rikuum fight:300,000 Vegeta healed after Krillin blast:1,000,000
Nail:42,000 Nail Mega charge:150,000 Freiza:530,000 Freiza form 2:1,000,000 Freiza form 3:2,500,000
Freiza form 4 at 33%:4,000,000 Freiza form 4 at 50%:6,000,000 Freiza form 4 at 100%:12,000,000 Goku:5,000
Goku's bursts:60,000 Goku Charge up:180,000 Goku healed after Ginyu swap:300,000 Goku x20 Kaioken:600,000
Goku Genki Dama:2,500,000 Super Saiya-jin Goku:15,000,000 Piccolo:400,000 Piccolo after Nail merge:800,000
Krillin:12,000 Krillin after Guru Charge up:32,000 Gohan:19,000 Gohan after Guru chargeup:35,000 Gohan
after Recum fight:45,000 Guldo:13,500 Rikum:40,000 Jese:50,000 Jese Crusher ball:65,000 Burter:45,000
Ginyu:120,000 Freiza-bot:12,500,000 Trunks(supressed):5 Super Saiya-jin Trunks:17,000,000 King Cold:13,000,000
Note: The real power levels ended in the Freiza Saga. Now, these power levels are just total estimates(guesses) from
battles that people have won or lost. Android Saga SS Goku:25,000,000 SS Goku(sick):10,000,000
SS Trunks:20,000,000 SS Vegeta: 23,000,000 Gohan:1,000,000 Android 16:40,000,000 Android 17:35,000,000
Android 18:35,000,000 Android 19:10,000,000 Android 20:5,000,000 Piccolo(after Merging with Kami):40,000,000
Cell:45,000,000 Cell(after Absorbing #17):65,000,000 SS Vegeta(after spirit and time training):80,000,000 Ultra
SS Trunks:130,000,000 Perfect Cell:125,000,000 Cell Game Cyborg Freiza:18,000,000 14 year
old Trunks:5,000,000 17 year old Trunks:6,000,000 SS Trunks:27,000,000 Trunks after spirit and time training:105,000,000
SS Vegeta: 100,000,000 SS Goku:120,000,000 SS Gohan:110,000,000 SS2 Gohan:325,000,000 Ultra Perfect
Cell:300,000,000 Mr. Satan:127 Majin Buu Saga Fat Buu:380,000,000 Majin Buu:390,000,000
Kid Buu:500,000,000 Super Buu:70,000,000 Ultimate Buu:50,000,000 Majin Gotenks Buu:400,000,000 Majin
Vegetto Buu:550,000,000 SS Goku:360,000,000 SS2 Goku:401,000,000 SS3 Goku:450,000,000 Piccolo:180,000,000
Gohan:3,000,000 SS Gohan:275,000,000 Gohan with Z sword:360,000,000 Goten:30,000,000 SS Goten:90,000,000
Trunks:33,500,000 SS Trunks:95,000,000 Gotenks:250,000,000 SS Gotenks:300,000,000 SS3 Gotenks:410,000,000
SS Vegeta:340,000,000 SS2 Vegeta:425,000,000 Vegetto:600,000,000
