Goku L1- when Freeza killed Krillin Goku L2- training in heaven Goku L3- training in heaven Goku L4- when
Pan is crying
Gohan L1- in hyperbolic time chamber Gohan L2- when Cell hurt his friends (it first occurred in
the hyperbolic time chamber, but Gohan couldn't control it and went back to normal saiyan)
Goten- training with Chi
Chi (Goten did not have to get angered to trigger Super Saiyan status)
Gotenks L1- Goten's and Trunks's (chibi) fusion
Gotenks L2- Goten's and Trunks's (chibi) fusion (they did not fight at this level because they could go to level 3) Gotenks
L3- Goten's and Trunks's (chibi) fusion
Brolli L1- transformed when he sensed Goku's true power Brolli LSS- Was
able to do it when he broke from Paragues' control

Vegeta L1- training on another planet Vegeta L2- when he became a slave of Buu Vegeta L3- when possessed by Bebi
Vegeta L4- by a machine invented by Bulma
Trunks L1- when Gohan was killed in the future Trunks UL1- training
in the hyperbolic time chamber
Trunks(chibi)- training with Goten. (Trunks did not have to get angered to trigger
Super Saiyan status)
Vegetto L1- Goku's and Vegeta's fusion with Potara earrings Vegetto L2- Goku's and Vegeta's
fusion with Potara earrings
Gogeta L1- Goku's and Vegeta's fusion Gogeta L2- Goku's and Vegeta's fusion Gogeta
L3- Goku's and Vegeta's fusion (never went L3, but had L3 strenght) Gogeta L4- Goku's and Vegeta's fusion at level 4