Normal Saiyan

This is the weakest form of a Saiyan, but a Saiyan is stronger than any human. Goku as a young boy including Gohan and Goten
were able to defeat any human.

After a Saiyan with a tail looks at a full moon they transform into a giant ape-like creature called Oozaru. In this form
the Saiyan has incredible power, but if if the Saiyan cannot control the power the Saiyan becomes uncontrolable. Vegeta was
the first seen to have full control over this form.
Super Saiyan

The ability to go Super Saiyan is one of the chief attributes that makes a Saiyan powerful. When a Saiyan goes Super Saiyan
their muscles tend to bulge out for a brief fraction of a second and a glowing aura surrounds them. To go SSJ the Saiyan must
be enraged with anger, but after it is reached the first time it is easier to retrun to. This stage was first achieved by
Goku during the Freeza saga when Freeza killed Krillin.
Ultra Super Saiyan

Ultra Super Saiyan is a very powerful form, but is worthless in battle. The Saiyan becomes much stronger almost having the
strength of a Super Saiyan 2. The only problem is that the Saiyan's musles slow them down. Trunks was the first to obtain
this form.
Super Saiyan 2

Super Saiyan 2 was first obtained by Gohan during the Cell Saga. It is like going Super Saiyan while already a Super Saiyan.
The Saiyan becomes more than twice as strong as than they were when they are in Super Saiyan form. This form is also obtained
by enraged anger.
Legendary Super Saiyan

This form was and can only be obtained by Brolli. Brolli is the only one able transform to Legendary Super Saiyan
status because he is a legendary super saiyan. Legendary Super Saiyan status is so deadly, it is like taking regular super
saiyan satus and multiplying it by 10. This means that any other power level such as Super Saiyan 4 would be increased even
more if Brolli is able to achieve that level.
Super Saiyan 3

This stage is different from Super Saiyan 1 and 2. It can only be achieved through training and does not require rage anger
that Super Saiyan and 2 do. The person gets extremely long, blond hair, which hangs down. The level Super Saiyan 3 has only
been obtained by Goku, Gotenks, and Vegeta (even though Vegeta's hair didn't become long, his power had risen to that of Super
Saiyan 3. Vegeta was too strong for Goku to defeat him and later Vegeta went to Golden Oozaru form which is stronger than
Super Saiyan 3 form.)
Golden Oozaru

This form is more powerful than Super Saiyan 3 and is only obtained by staring at the earth as a full moon. It is like Oozaru
stage except gold and has Super Saiyan hair. Goku and Vegeta were the only ones to obtain this level. Goku was the first.
Super Saiyan 4

Some people consider this form to be "beyond Super Saiyan" because the form is so much different. In Super Saiyan
1-3, the character gets blond hair, but in Super Saiyan 4 their hair is black, and not as stiff as in Super Saiyan 1-3. One
thing that has a part of Super Saiyan forms 1 and 2 is that the Saiyan has to be in Golden Oozaru stage and then be enraged
with anger. Super Saiyan4 is extremely powerful, hence it being dubbed "beyond Super Saiyan." This form was first
achieved by Goku during his fight with BebiVegeta when he was in Golden Oozaru stage an Pan was crying.
Fused Saiyan (by Fusion Dance)

This form is achieved when two Saiyans fuse to create one powerful Saiyan through a dance known as the "Fusion Dance".
In this form the fusion only lasts for 30 minutes and 20 minutes for Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. The fusion lasts
shorter for Gogeta SSL4 due his high power level. Saiyans who have achieved succesful fusion
are Goten and Trunks (Gotenks), and Goku and Vegeta (Gogeta).
Fused Saiyan (by Potara Earrings)

This form is achieved when two saiyans wear potara earrings on opposite ears. The two combine into one powerful
saiyan and the fusion lasts forever. The only defect that occured to a split of two saiyans from a fusion was
when Buu consumed Vegetto. When consumed, Vegetto split back into Goku and Vegeta separated from each other. The
only saiyans to achieve this form were Goku and Vegeta (Vegetto).
